Kathryn Walsh’s recent directing work includes a new adaptation of all three of Shakespeare’s Henry VI plays for Columbia University’s MFA Acting Program, the world premiere of Nandita Shenoy’s The Future is Female at Flint Repertory Theatre in Michigan (where she is a proud Associate Artist) and Aphra Behn’s The Emperor of the Moon at Theatreworks Colorado Springs, where she is a frequent collaborator. Upcoming projects include further development of Prompt: A Party for Our Memories, with artistic partner Liz Hayes. A frequent director of classical work, Kathryn has coached or taught Shakespeare’s text at Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, Theatreworks Colorado Springs, Remy Bumppo, Two Pence Theatre Co and James Madison University. Last year, she collaborated with Will Wilhelm and Erin Murray as the text coach for the world premiere of Gender Play (About Face Theatre). MFA in Directing: Northwestern University; B.A., English Literature, Harvard University. Photos and information about upcoming work can be found at kathrynwalshdirector.com.