Weekend of Workshops

Cassandra & Strings Attached

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Written and Directed by Kassie Rivera

October 19-21, 2023 | 2:00pm & 7:30pm
FXK, Reynolds Club
Tickets $6 advance | $8 door (Cash Only)

Synopsis: Adapted from an ancient Greek myth, Cassandra follows the Trojan princess Cassandra as she takes the audience back to her past and the very beginning of her romantic relationship with the god Apollo. She recounts why her lover gifted her with the divine power of prophecy and the severe consequences she faces when their romance comes to its tragic end. In an effort to find someone who will believe her story, Cassandra forces herself to illustrate the pain, suffering, and abuse she's faced at the hands of not only her ex-lover but ancient and modern society at large.


Director                                             Kassie Rivera

Kassie Rivera (Director of Cassandra) is a third year Psychology major and only does theater as a hobby because she has a deep-seated dislike of theater kids (yes, that includes herself). They wrote this play because their name is Kassandra (wow narcissist much?) and they're super excited/nervous for people to see it. They'd like to thank their cast for watching 50% off, even though it has nothing to do with this show, and they'd like to thank the Greek gods for being chaotic and awful most of the time (also, no she's never read Percy Jackson). Anyway, enjoy the show :)

Choreographer                                 Laura Mahaniah

Laura Tutondele Mahaniah (Movement Director) is a fourth-year undergraduate studying Theater and Performance Studies and Linguistics. She has worked on a variety of University Theater, TAPS, Cup of Theater, Dance Council, and Hyde Park Community Player productions. Some of her favorite credits include The Physicists on Silks (Director/production manager), Marian or the True Tale of Robin Hood (Will Scarlett/Fight Captain), and the 2022-23 TAPS Dance Showcase. Ongoing projects include assisting Julia Rhoads on the TAPS dance program; acting in The Wolves (going up the weekend of November 3rd…); and advertising Cup of Theater’s weekly artist studios (Fridays, 4-6, Bartlett Lounge, you should totally come…)

Production Manager                         Eleni Lefakis                                                 

Eleni Lefakis (Production Manager) is a third-year TAPS and Data Science double-major. Her Workshop credits are The Heirs (Costume Designer) and Ah Wing and The Automaton Eagle (Assistant Stage Manager), both from Autumn 2021. She has 8 UT MainStage credits and is currently working on The Taming of the Shrew (Stage Manager) and Falsettos (Dramaturg). She’d like to express her love and admiration for everyone on workshops who put together such good performances in so little time, and especially for Kassie, Jeff, Althea, and Adrian for being the masterminds behind the awesome material that comprises this production!

Stage Manager                                 Steele Citrone

Sound/Lighting Designer                  Will Rehmus

Scenic/Props/Costume Designer      Yifan Megan Zhao

Yifan (Megan) Zhao (costume/scenic designer for Cassandra) is a fourth-year astrophysics major and TAPS minor. She previously worked on Theatre 24 (director) and the Light (assistant production manager).

Committee Liaison                            Emma Linderman


Cassandra        Lekha Masoudi

Lekha (Cassandra) is a second year Ecology and Evolutionary Biology major. Her past credits include Antigone (Chorus) and Antony and Cleopatra (Assistant Director). She is also involved with the Phoenix Sustainability Initiative and is an editor for Firebird Magazine and Animus Classics Journal. Lekha would like to thank the amazing Cassandra team and her family and friends for their support.

Apollo                Jalen Sutton 

Jalen Sutton (Apollo) is a third year GNSE and TAPS major. They have previously been featured in Cirque de la Mort: A High-Flying Murder Mystery (The Maid) and the 2023 Winter Dance Showcase (Ensemble).

Strings Attached: In Concert 
By Jefferson Lind, with music by Althea Li and Adrian Lo
Directed by Jefferson Lind and Surya Chinnappa

Synopsis: What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be a puppet? Will you marry me? All of these questions and more are answered by Strings Attached, a new musical that explores two friends' journeys of self-discovery, commitment, and puppetry. The year is 2012. Jason's tenth anniversary dating his girlfriend Amy is fast approaching, and it's becoming clear that this will be an ultimatum point for the future of their relationship. Meanwhile, his best friend Walt hopes to rein in Jason's preposterous proposal plans, but in doing so Walt faces a personal crisis of his own. An encroaching oil baron threatens to ruin everything— and maybe even ruin Christmas. Jason and Walt will consult priests, restaurateurs, and their personal histories in their effort to put together the perfect proposal for Amy. Who's pulling your strings?


Director                                            Jeff Lind 

Vocal Director                                  Surya Chinnappa

Surya Chinnappa (Vocal Director) is a second year Linguistics and Cognitive Science major. He has previously worked with UT on Be More Chill (Jake), Theater[24] Winter ‘23 (Actor), and has an eponymous solo vocal/instrumental music project. In his free time, he enjoys hiding origami in various spots around campus.

Music Director                                  Adrian Lo

Adrian Lo (Music Director) is a 4th year Music and Comp Sci Major.

Choreographer                                 Althea Li

Althea (she/her) is a 4th year Music and Statistics double major, and the choreographer on Strings Attached: In Concert. She is very excited to finally bring Strings Attached to the stage in Weekend of Workshops. Along with Strings Attached, Althea is also working on Falsettos (Choreographer), going up in the winter.

Production Manager                         Eleni Lefakis

Stage Manager                                 Elaine Liang

Elaine Liang (Stage Manager of Strings Attached) is a fourth year Philosophy and Allied Fields (Biological Sciences) major and Chemistry minor. She has previously worked on the Laramie Project (Assistant Costume Designer) and Be More Chill (Assistant Stage Manager).

Sound/Lighting Designer                   Kayla Bock

Scenic/Props/Costume Designer      Belle Nahoom

Belle Nahoom (Costumes) is a third-year Theater and Performance Studies and Data Science major. Her previous theatre credits with UT include The Heirs (ASM), Marian (ASM), The Intruder Workshop (Costume Designer), Scientific Method (Costume Designer), Macbeth in Space (Hair & Makeup), Queen of Spades Workshop (SM & PM), The Laramie Project (SM Collective™), the B.A. Thesis, Yivdak (Jared), 12th Night (Hair & Makeup), Be More Chill (Costume Designer), as well as the upcoming production (Winter Quarter) of Falsettos (Costume Designer). She is also capocomico of the Commedia Dell’Arte improv troupe on campus.

Committee Liaison                            Emma Linderman        


Jason        Ryan Cairns

Ryan Cairns (Jason) is a silly little third year that is majoring in silly little Political Science & Human Rights. She previously has worked on a lot of other silly little shows. She hopes you enjoy her silly little singing and loves her silly little friends.

Walt          Nathalie Lam

Amy          Katy Yeh

Katy Yeh (Amy) is a second year student, and she’s so excited to be in this production of Strings Attached! She has previously worked on Perfect Match (Katie) with UT, and has also done shows before college. She is so grateful for her family, friends, and everyone who has worked so hard to create this musical. She hopes you enjoy the show!

Staged Readings

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October 22, 2023 | 7:30pm
FXK, Reynolds Club
Tickets: Free Admission

Paper Wasters by Eva Schultz

The AI Play by Christine Lee

A Third Opinion by Griffin Bonin-Jones