University Theater has brought student-driven performance to UChicago since 1898. We now produce over thirty-five shows a year, across five distinct theater spaces, with an annual audience of ten thousand. From the smallest workshop reading to the largest main stage, all of our productions are proposed, directed, designed, and performed by students. We are excited to offer resources and an audience to students with ambition, regardless of their major or minor.
For the latest info about getting involved, check out the official UT website and join the University Theater listhost. Feel free to also email UT Committee at ut-committee@uchicago.edu with any questions!
- Mary Mouton (Chair) is a fourth-year studying history and fundamentals. Her most recent credits include Telephone (Production Manager), The Old Man and the Old Moon (Lighting Designer), and Company (Production Manager). Otherwise, she spends her time caring for her two rats, ratthew and rathan. She’s super excited for this upcoming year and to serve the UT community!
- Allegra Hatem (Treasurer) is a student in the College (class of 2022) majoring in Sociology. Her show credits include the art installation Telephone: A Memorial to the Present (Props / Objects), The Winter’s Tale (Props), and Dry Land (Assistant Props), and she has worked on Tech Staff in the prop shop for two years. She is excited to serve as Committee Treasure this term and looks forward to funding new projects and events.
- Gabi Garcia (Secretary) is a third-year classical studies and computer science double major. Her previous UT credits include at the very bottom of a body of water (Co-Dramaturg), Much Ado About Monologues (Bastard), The Old Man and the Old Moon (Assistant Production Manager), and three Theater[24]s (Writer). Her hobbies include being very busy, researching the history of her dorm, drinking tea at ungodly hours of the night, and writing plays and poetry.
- Spencer Ng (Social Chair) is a third-year Computer Science major and TAPS minor. He was most recently stage manager for the TAPS production of My H8 Letter to the Gr8 American Theatre, and his UT credits include Waiting for Godot (Assistant Stage Manager) and The Winter’s Tale (Assistant Stage Manager). He’s excited about hosting events for the UT and greater university community and hopes that you will come socialize at them!
- Cole Meldorf (Dean’s Men Representative) is a student in the College.
- Ryan Cairns (Student Staff Representative) is a first-year prospective Public Policy and TAPS double major. Her only UT credit thus far is as Assistant Director for Love’s Labour’s Lost, but she is hoping to be further involved in the future. She is very excited to be working with Committee this year.
- Gigi Hancock (Tech Staff Representative) is a Geophysics major in the class of 2022 whose previous credits include Machinal (Assistant Sound Designer), Fun Home (Assistant Lighting Designer), Twelfth Night (Assistant Props Designer), Company (Co-Sound Designer/Assistant Props Designer), Waiting for Godot (Sound Designer), and the art installation Telephone: A Memorial to the Present (Electronics). Gigi currently works for TAPS in the scene and sound shops.
- Nick Demetroulakos (Off-Off Representative) is a student in the College.
- Zander Galluppi is a fifth-year PhD candidate in the Committee on Immunology and is in his third term on UT Committee. He has performed in many UT shows - some of his favorite credits include The Old Man and the Old Moon (Cookie/Solomon/Ghost Singer), Animals Out of Paper (Andy), Love’s Labour’s Lost: A New Musical (Longaville), and Peter and the Starcatcher (Smee). Zander has also performed with the Hyde Park Community Players and regionally with This Moment Productions, Beverly Arts Center, and Underscore Theatre Company as part of their Chicago Musical Theatre Festival.
- Reese Klemm is a third-year Economics (Business Track) and French major. Her most recent credits include The Winter’s Tale (Assistant Production Manager), The Old Man and The Old Moon (Assistant Director), and Fall 2020 Theater[24] (Director). She is excited to join Committee for the first time and can’t wait to get the year started!
- Lauren Melton is a fourth-year student in the College majoring in Cinema and Media Studies and English and minoring in TAPS. Her credits include My H8 Letter to the Gr8 American Theater (Actor), The Old Man and The Old Moon (Actor), and Ever in the Glades (Dramaturg). She has worked on Tech Staff since Winter Quarter of her first year as Assistant to the Production Manager. She is so excited to serve on Committee this term!
- Michael Schuhler is a second-year Business Econ and TAPS double major. His UT credits include Original Sin (Stage Manager) and Theater[24] (Actor/Producer). He loves all things music, theatre, and spicy food. He is excited to serve for such a great group of people in the UT community.
- Danielle Yablonovskiy is a second-year majoring in Economics and Psychology. Her previous UT credits include Welcome Back to My Channel (Assistant Stage Manager) and Ah Wing and the Automaton Eagle (Stage Manager). She is very excited to spend this year working with all the wonderful people in UT to put on some great productions!