OPEN CALL: Audition for UT Shows!

Text saying "OPEN CALL"

Blood on Our Hands Open Call

Blood on Our Hands Open Call

UT will be hosting an open call on Tuesday, January 14th and Wednesday, January 15th from 7:00pm to 10:00pm in Logan 603!

You can read more about the available roles here. If you are interested in auditioning, just fill out this form and sign up for a time slot (or just show up anytime between 7:00pm and 10:00pm). 

Important docs: Link to open call sides, as well as a rough production calendar.

Note: All of these roles are open female-identifying. UT welcome anyone regardless of gender identity to audition!

If you have any questions or would like to audition but can't make any of the times, contact Clee ( or SM Maya Miller ( and we'll figure something out. 

Troilus and Cressida Open Call

Troilus and Cressida Open Call

Troilus and Cressida will be doing an open call for the role of Paris/Patroclus/Ajax on Thursday 1/16 from 7-10pm in Logan 028. There's no need to reserve a particular audition time. Feel free to drop by anytime between 7 and 10 and we'll be happy to see you!

Troilus and Cressida is a play about two young Trojans who fall in love under occupation. However, they're separated by circumstance when Cressida is traded to the Greek camp against her will. But don't worry - there's not just tragedy. Like any good Shakespeare play, this one's full of bawdy comedy and people acting the fool. Plus, our version's set in the early nineties in Northern Ireland, which means we've also got grunge, flannel, and the Cranberries.

Paris/Patroclus/Ajax is a role where you get to play Troy’s original playboy PLUS Achilles’s lover AND EVEN a great though dim Greek warrior.

If you have any questions, please email Ryan Witter ( or reach out to our stage managers, Nayu Shimo ( and Nate LePelley (!